The proof is in the cup!

Weight Loss With Linda

My Results

This is me so far , down 70 and going for at least 90!!

Store Owner

Linda Parrish
Twenty years ago I gained 130 pounds and have struggled since then to lose it. I followed a strict HCG diet to lose 76, then got cancer and the treatment packed back on 44. No matter what I tried, I could not lose...till I found this detox drink program and it knocked all that off FAST! Average loss is 3-5 pounds a week drinking it twice a day. If you drink it 3 times a day, a 5 pound loss in 5 days is so doable!!! I am continuing my journey to hit 90 pounds and am helping others to lose as well. Once you hit your goal, I will teach you how to maintain it! The benefits of this drink alone are worth trying it. It's NOT just for weight loss! I have been coaching people since 2015, and love what I do.

Contact Us

Our address
Gladstone, Mo 64118